February 9, 2017
RECORDED WEBINAR EPIC® Pediatric Obesity: Evaluation, Treatment and Prevention in Community Settings “Update on Pediatric Overweight and Obesity”
Nov 15, 2018
RECORDED WEBINAR "Let's Talk: Evidence-informed Methods for Effectively Introducing New Foods" Presenter:
1. Identify why and how children develop the habit of refusing new foods; 2. Report how parents can lay the foundation for variety using the foods children already eat; and 3. Describe sensory education and how to employ it to turn children into adventurous explorers. |
Aug 08, 2018
RECORDED WEBINAR "Let's Talk: Motivational Interviewing" Presenter:
2) To be able to identify the specific skills that are essential for motivational interviewing 3) To understand the relevance of staff wide training and office culture change in the development of an effective environment that promotes behavior change. |
Feb 21, 2018
RECORDED WEBINAR "Lets Talk: Promoting Physical Activity for your Patients with Overweight and Obesity" Presenter:
1. State two physiologic and psychological factors impacting physical activity in a child with obesity 2. State two key considerations in assessing a child with obesity for participation in physical activity 3. State two ways to help a child with obesity and their family make a physical activity plan |
Jan 16, 2018
RECORDED WEBINAR "Let's Talk: Weight Bias, Stigmatization and Mental Health Issues Related to Pediatric Overweight and Obesity" Presenter: