Pediatric Provider Resources & Information
This page was last updated on June 10, 2022
Pennsylvania COVID-19 Cases:
Pennsylvania clinicians are asked to report any suspected cases immediately by calling the Pa. Department of Health at 1-877PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258) or your local health department.
Below is PA AAP’s compilation of resource materials on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak. This collection of links and resources for pediatric health care providers is updated on a weekly basis.
- There were 105,087 new cases in Pennsylvania since our last update on 5/13 bringing the total case count to 2,954,750 (includes confirmed and probable cases) in all 67 counties in PA. View a breakdown of cases by region, county, gender, ethnicity, etc. here.
- The CDC expands eligibility for COVID-19 booster shots to include everyone five years and older. Read more here.
- A recent study from the Brown School of Public Health finds that nearly 319,000 COVID-19 deaths could have been averted if all adults had gotten vaccinated. In PA alone that is just under 1,400 deaths since the vaccine was released, 18+. Learn more here.
- CMS has launched a tool to help Medicaid and CHIP enrollees prepare for their coverage renewal when the Public Health Emergency ends. Click here to access the "call to action" button.
- Also, see CMS' guidance on Medicaid & CHIP coverage and payment for stand-alone vaccine counseling.
- The FDA authorizes the first COVID-19 test available without a prescription that also detects flu and RSV. Read more here.
- Click here to review the details of a study conducted by the AAP and Prevent Child Abuse America on "Caregiving in the Context of COVID-19."
- The CDC reports that incidence of COVID vaccine-related myocarditis is much lower in young children than adolescents. Learn more here.
- To increase routine childhood and adolescent vaccination rates in Pennsylvania and protect against vaccine preventable diseases, PA AAP and PAIC created this back-to-school toolkit for your use, see here!
- See the following updates and health advisories from the PA Dept. of Health:
- COVID-19 Rebound After Paxlovid Treatment
- Iodinated Contrast Media Shortage
- Monkeypox cases diagnosed in Europe, one identified in Massachusetts
- Lyme Disease and Other Tickborne Diseases in Pennsylvania
- Updated Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccine Recommendations
- Failure to Disinfect Assisted Blood Glucose Monitors between Uses Poses Risk for Bloodborne Pathogen Transmission
- Read PAIC's latest blog post, “Pennsylvania Routine Immunization Rates: Pre-Pandemic and Now (2018-2020)” written by PAIC/PA AAP intern Cait McCrory, MPH on the PAIC website here!
Pennsylvania clinicians are asked to report any suspected cases immediately by calling the Pa. Department of Health at 1-877PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258) or your local health department.
Below is PA AAP’s compilation of resource materials on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak. This collection of links and resources for pediatric health care providers is updated on a weekly basis.
PA AAP Weekly COVID-19 Updates
PA AAP compiles weekly news, updates and resources on COVID-19 to be shared with members in an e-Newsletter. Below you will find the archived weekly COVID-19 updates. Resources in the newsletters are available in the resource sections below. To subscribe to the weekly updates, please reach out to [email protected].
American Medical Association's Considerations for Physicians Ordering SARS-CoV-2 PCR Diagnostic Testing
American Medical Association's Considerations for the General Public Seeking SARS-CoV-2 PCR Diagnostic Testing
Pa. Department of Health Alert on Laboratory Testing Comparison (Issued 5/06/2020) - In this alert, DOH shared the CLIA laboratory testing comparison, available via CMS here.
CDC Interim Guidelines for Collecting, Handling, and Testing Clinical Specimens from Persons for COVID-19
CDC Overview of Testing for SARS-CoV-2
COVID-19 Testing Sites in Pennsylvania
Food and Drug Administration FAQs on COVID-19 Testing (Includes information on manufacturers distributing diagnostic and serology tests)
American Medical Association's Considerations for the General Public Seeking SARS-CoV-2 PCR Diagnostic Testing
Pa. Department of Health Alert on Laboratory Testing Comparison (Issued 5/06/2020) - In this alert, DOH shared the CLIA laboratory testing comparison, available via CMS here.
CDC Interim Guidelines for Collecting, Handling, and Testing Clinical Specimens from Persons for COVID-19
CDC Overview of Testing for SARS-CoV-2
COVID-19 Testing Sites in Pennsylvania
Food and Drug Administration FAQs on COVID-19 Testing (Includes information on manufacturers distributing diagnostic and serology tests)
Reimbursement and Telemedicine
- Medicare Administrative Contractor COVID-19 Test Pricing
- Medicaid and CHIP Recipients' COVID-19 Testing and Treatment Resources Are Covered: FAQs and More (Pa. Department of Human Services)
- Medicare FFS Response to COVID-19 (Includes information on how to bill for counseling patients to self-isolate following COVID-19 testing)
Links to telemedicine policies for Pennsylvania insurers below*:
- Aetna - Find updates on page six of this document.
- Capital Blue Cross
- Cigna
- Gateway
- Geisinger
- Highmark
- Independence Blue Cross
- Medicaid/Medical Assistance
- Medicaid/Medical Assistance Behavioral Health
- Medicare Telehealth Services - On March 17, 2020, CMS announced that telehealth services for Medicare beneficiaries will be expanded during the COVID-19 outbreak.
- Medicare Virtual Care Services
- UnitedHealthCare
- Workers' Compensation - Scroll to the final question in this FAQ for telehealth information.
The use of telehealth is rapidly expanding in response to the COVID-19 emergency. Starting March 1, 2020 and for the duration of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Medicare will make payment for services furnished to beneficiaries in all areas of the country in all settings. Many other health insurers have also updated their telemedicine policies in response to the crisis.
Further Expansion of Telehealth in Medicare, Including an Increase in Payments for Telephone Visits Retroactive to March 1: On April 30, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a further expansion of telehealth in Medicare. CMS previously announced that Medicare would pay for certain services conducted by audio-only telephone between beneficiaries and their doctors and other clinicians. Now, CMS is broadening that list to include many behavioral health and patient education services. CMS is also increasing payments for these telephone visits to match payments for similar office and outpatient visits. This would increase payments for these services from a range of about $14-$41 to about $46-$110. The payments are retroactive to March 1, 2020. Get details on all the changes announced on April 30 here.
Additionally, the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will waive penalties for HIPAA violations against health care providers that serve patients in good faith through everyday communications technologies, such as FaceTime or Skype, during the COVID-19 nationwide public health emergency. Note that OCR also offers guidance for providers on civil rights protections during the COVID-19 pandemic here.
AAP Guidance: Telehealth Payer Policy in Response to COVID-19
State Notices on Telehealth Policy.
Coding for Telemedicine
Implementing Telemedicine into Practice and After Hours
Selecting a Telemedicine Vendor
PA AAP is working with the National AAP and members across the state to compile telemedicine resources.
- Telemedicine vendor options- a document providing a comparison of a few telehealth platforms developed by Dr. David Wolfson, Medical Director - Children's Community Pediatrics, Pittsburgh, PA. We will keep this list updated as the information continues to evolve.
- Evaluating telemedicine vendors
Additional Telemedicine Resources and Information
PPE Guidance and infromation
- Gov. Wolf Executive Order for Targeted Distribution of PPE and Other Supplies (Issued 4/08/2020) - Facilities and providers are required to submit inventory information via this online collection tool.
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Critical Medical Supplies Procurement Portal - The Portal is for manufacturers, distributors and other suppliers to inform us of supplies available for purchase and will allow the state to more quickly and efficiently procure these supplies for hospitals and medical facilities across Pennsylvania.
- Pa. Department of Health COVID-19 Guidance on Distribution of Personal Protective Equipment
- Pennsylvania Manufacturing Call to Action Portal - Matches and identifies manufacturers and distributors to fill specific supply chain needs to meet increasing demands for medical supplies and related products.
- Pa. Secretary of Health Order Requiring Universal Face Coverings (Expanded on 7/01/2020
PA Department of Health/CDC
Find all of the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 resources using the links below:
Non-Emergent Surgeries & Procedures
Many of your questions will be answered as they become available through the Health Alert Network’s below. The HAN updates will be sent to your email in real time and take a very short time to sign up for. All health care professionals are strongly encouraged to sign up for these notices.
- DOH Coronavirus Resources
- CDC Coronavirus Resources
- CDC Coronavirus Resources for Health Care Professionals
- CDC Coronavirus Resources for Schools and Childcare Programs
- COVID-19 Data for Pennsylvania
- COVID-19 Early Warning Monitoring System Dashboard for Pennsylvania
- Pa. Secretary of Health Expanded Order Requiring Universal Face Coverings
- Pennsylvania COVID-19 Information for Travelers – DOH's COVID-19 Information for Travelers webpage recommends that those who travel, or plan to travel, to an area where there are high amounts of COVID-19 cases stay at home for 14 days upon return to Pennsylvania. Additionally, this webpage includes the current list of states for which - if an individual is returning to Pennsylvania after traveling to one of those states - it is recommended that the individual quarantine for 14 days upon return. Physicians and practices with specific questions about the quarantine recommendations should refer to their human resources policies or contact their legal counsel. DOH also offers FAQs on the recommendations, including information for employers, here.
Non-Emergent Surgeries & Procedures
- DOH guidance for health care providers on resuming non-urgent procedures (applicable for all health care provider settings except hospitals, ASFs, and dental practices)
- DOH guidance for hospitals
- DOH guidance for ambulatory surgical facilities
Many of your questions will be answered as they become available through the Health Alert Network’s below. The HAN updates will be sent to your email in real time and take a very short time to sign up for. All health care professionals are strongly encouraged to sign up for these notices.
Licensing Waivers and Suspensions
Federal Regulatory Updates
Below find summaries of the actions that Pennsylvania has taken concerning health practitioner licensure requirements during the COVID-19 emergency:
Licensure/Regulatory Action Taken in Other States
The Federation of State Medical Boards offers a a list of actions that states (including states that share a border with Pennsylvania) have taken action on licensure requirements. View List
- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Updates on COVID-19 - This webpage lists all of the actions that CMS has taken in connection to the COVID-19 emergency.
- CMS COVID-19 Waivers and Flexibilities
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Authorizes Pharmacists to Administer Childhood Vaccines to Individuals Ages 3 to 18
Below find summaries of the actions that Pennsylvania has taken concerning health practitioner licensure requirements during the COVID-19 emergency:
- Gov. Wolf and Dept. of State Issue Certain Suspensions for PAs, CRNPs, CRNAs During COVID-19 Emergency
- Expedited Temporary Licensure for Out-of-State Practitioners & Requirements Related to Institutional Licensees
- Pennsylvania to Allow Retired Health Care Professionals to Bolster COVID-19 Response
- Pennsylvania Extends License Renewal Deadlines for Nurses, Graduate Medical Trainees during Coronavirus Emergency
- COVID-19 Waivers and Allowances for Graduate Medical Trainees
- Temporary Regulatory Suspension of Requirements for Emergency Oral Prescriptions
- Waiver of Regulatory Requirement on Age Limit for Pharmacist-Administered Flu Vaccines
- Temporary Regulatory Suspension of Requirements for Children's Immunizations in Pennsylvania
- Waiver to Allow Buprenorphine Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder via Telemedicine
Licensure/Regulatory Action Taken in Other States
The Federation of State Medical Boards offers a a list of actions that states (including states that share a border with Pennsylvania) have taken action on licensure requirements. View List
Business Resources and Loan Information
CARES Act Provider Relief
The bipartisan CARES Act provides $100 billion in relief funds to hospitals and other health care providers. Beginning April 10, 2020, $30 billion was distributed with payments arriving via direct deposit. All facilities and providers that received Medicare fee-for-service reimbursements in 2019 are eligible for this initial distribution. The CARES Act provider relief funds are payments, not loans, to health care providers, and will not need to be repaid.
Distribution of the remaining $20 billion of the general distribution to providers began on April 24. A portion of providers will automatically be sent an advance payment based off the revenue data they submit in CMS cost reports. Providers without adequate cost report data on file were required to submit their revenue information. Get details on all CARES Act provider relief funding at and check out the updates below:
OSHA Guidance for Businesses
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers guidance on how to maintain operations in a pandemic. View OSHA Guidance.
The bipartisan CARES Act provides $100 billion in relief funds to hospitals and other health care providers. Beginning April 10, 2020, $30 billion was distributed with payments arriving via direct deposit. All facilities and providers that received Medicare fee-for-service reimbursements in 2019 are eligible for this initial distribution. The CARES Act provider relief funds are payments, not loans, to health care providers, and will not need to be repaid.
Distribution of the remaining $20 billion of the general distribution to providers began on April 24. A portion of providers will automatically be sent an advance payment based off the revenue data they submit in CMS cost reports. Providers without adequate cost report data on file were required to submit their revenue information. Get details on all CARES Act provider relief funding at and check out the updates below:
- Reporting Requirements: Those who received one or more CARES Act Provider Relief Fund payments exceeding $10,000 in total are required to report spending information. HHS has shared a notice on the reporting requirements. HHS says a reporting system will be available on Oct. 1. Read HHS’ notice.
- AMA Update on CARES Act Relief Funding: On June 26, the AMA reported an issue with the drafting of the CARES Act bill that, if left unaddressed, could mean that entities who received relief funds would be required to pay taxes on those funds. The AMA has joined other organizations in asking Congress to correct this error. Find out more in this AMA article.
- COVID-19 Guidance for Businesses Maintaining In-Person Operations
- COVID-19 Safety Procedures for Businesses (Businesses maintaining in-person operations are required to prominently display this information and notice. Find a Spanish-language version of the notice here.)
- CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Options - The U.S. Small Business Administration provides more information on temporary coronavirus relief funding options: Paycheck Protection Program (applications no longer being accepted for PPP); EIDL Loan Advance; SBA Express Bridge Loans; and SBA Debt Relief.
- COVID-19 Business Resources (Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development) – DCED offers working capitol loans that could be of assistance to businesses impacted by COVID-19. Resources and information will be posted to DCED’s webpage as they become available.
- COVID-19 Relief Pennsylvania Statewide Small Business Assistance program – This state program administered by DCED provides grants ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 to small businesses that have been economically impacted by COVID-19. Applications for the second round of funding will be accepted from Aug. 10, 2020 through Aug. 28, 2020.
- American Medical Association Physician Practice R.elief Guide
- Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry: Coronavirus Resources for Businesses
- COVID-19 Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources (U.S. Small Business Administration)
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Coronavirus Resources for Businesses
- U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division guidance on the federal Family First Coronavirus Response Act
- COVID-19 and Unemployment Compensation: FAQs (Pa. Office of Unemployment Compensation)
- What You Should Know about COVID-19 and the ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, and Other Equal Employment Opportunity Laws (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
- Information for Pennsylvania Employees Impacted by COVID-19 (Pa. Office of Unemployment Compensation)
OSHA Guidance for Businesses
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) offers guidance on how to maintain operations in a pandemic. View OSHA Guidance.
The Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education has compiled a list of coronavirus education resources that can help clinicians respond.
Resources for your office
- Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Confirmed COVID-19 or People Under Investigation for COVID-19 in a Healthcare Setting (CDC)
Healthcare Infection Prevention and Control FAQs for COVID-19. - Risk Assessment and Management of Healthcare Personnel with Potential Exposure to Patients with COVID-19 (CDC)
- Healthcare Professional Preparedness Checklist for Transport and Arrival of Patients with Confirmed or Possible COVID-19 (CDC)
Printer ready PDF version - Steps Healthcare Facilities Can Take Now to Prepare for COVID-19 (CDC)
- Coronavirus fact sheet for Health Care Facility Employees (DOH)
- Coronavirus fact sheet for Health Care Facility Patients (DOH)
- OSHA Control & Prevention for Healthcare
- Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to COVID-19 (CDC)
- Insurance Coverage and Coronavirus: Frequently Asked Questions (Pa. Department of Insurance)
- Preventing COVID-19 Spread in Communities (CDC)
- Prevention & Treatment (CDC)
CDC Handouts and Posters CDC Videos
Resources for patients
Share the Facts, Stop Fear (CDC)
CDC Handouts and Posters
More Information on COVID-19:
CDC Handouts and Posters
- What You Need to Know - English or Spanish
- What to Do if You Are Sick – English or Spanish
- Stop the Spread of Germs – English or Spanish
- Symptoms of COVID-19 – English or Spanish
More Information on COVID-19:
- Social Distancing: Why Keeping Your Distance Helps Keep Others Safe
- Working and Learning from Home During the COVID-19 Outbreak
- Positive Parenting & COVID-19: 10 Tips to Help Keep the Calm at Home
- Getting Children Outside While Social Distancing
- Tips for Coping with a New Baby During COVID-19
- Ask the Pediatrician: Are there shortages of infant formula due to COVID-19?
- Simple Ways to Entertain & Boost Your Baby's Development at Home
- Teens & COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities During the Outbreak
- COVID-19: Information for Families of Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
- Co-Parenting Through COVID-19: Putting Your Children First
- Hand Washing: A Powerful Antidote to Illness
- Cloth Face Coverings for Children During COVID-19
- Breastfeeding During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Caring for Children in Foster Care During COVID-19
- During the COVID-19 pandemic, would it be safer to plan a home birth rather than deliver my baby at the hospital?
- Is it OK to call the pediatrician during COVID-19 even if I'm not sure my child is sick?
PA AAP COVID-19 Webinars
PA AAP #CallYourPediatrician Well Child and Immunization Campaign
With national data showing immunization rates for all ages dipping to dangerously low levels, today the American Academy of Pediatrics is launching a campaign urging parents to call their pediatricians to schedule check-ups and vaccines for children of all ages.
"The Bed Warriors"When the bed warriors' defenses are strong...
#CallYourPediatrician |
COVID-19 To-Do'sLet your Pediatrician take ‘em off your hands for 20 minutes. Don’t skip vaccines or checkups, or ignore concerns about your child’s health. Pediatricians are offering options like telehealth and have implemented strict safety measures.
#CallYourPediatrician |
"Mini Picasso"When your mini Picasso's masterpiece is a Picass-no...
#CallYourPediatrician |
Updates from AAP & Other Guidance
- Visit the COVID-19 web page on to find updated resources that address clinical guidance, practice management resources, including tele-health and coding, educational resources for clinicians and families, data reports, a discussion board, details on AAP advocacy efforts, and more. For questions or comments related to the pandemic, email [email protected].
- As of February 10, more than 12.3 million children have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic, representing 18.9% of all cases in states reporting cases by age. For week ending Feb. 10, nearly 300,000 new child COVID-19 cases were reported, accounting for 21.9% of reported weekly cases. Read the latest report. Also, find the AAP's latest report on Children and COVID-19 Vaccination Trends.
Updated guidance from the AAP for pediatricians:
- Providing Acute Care in the Ambulatory Setting During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Management Strategies in Children and Adolescents with Mild to Moderate COVID-19
Updated guidance on for your patients/families:
- What do I need to know about COVID vaccines for kids age 5-11?
- Do kids who test positive for COVID still need the vaccine, and when can they get it?
Interactive Town Hall Series on COVID-19- The AAP now hosts a bi-weekly series of virtual town halls linking members with leading experts to discuss emerging issues related to caring for patients and families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Register here.